Free Webinar 10/23: How to Make Your Research Open Access (Whether You’re at Harvard or Not)

Can’t get to any Open Access Week events this year? Or can’t get enough of them? You might be interested in attending this webinar or watching the archived version after the fact:

How to Make Your Research Open Access (Whether You’re at Harvard or Not)
Tuesday, October 23, 12:30 pm

This event will be webcast live on this page at 12:30pm ET on 10/23/2012 and archived online shortly thereafter:

Co-hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and the Office for Scholarly Communication at Harvard University

Authors’ Rights Event @ City Tech, 10/23/12

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons for Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship, is pleased to announce a workshop in celebration of Open Access Week!

You Know What You Write, But Do You Know Your Rights?
Understanding and Protecting Your Rights as an Author

When you publish a journal article, you sign a copyright agreement. Do you know what you’re agreeing to when you sign it? How can you find out a journal’s policy? How can you negotiate your contract to make the most of your rights as a scholar, researcher, and author? Come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues at our Open Access Happy Hour and learn how to preserve your rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work you create.

WHEN: Tuesday, October 23, from 5:30-7pm
WHERE: Rm A632, Faculty Lounge, City Tech

Space is limited! RSVP to Maura Smale at [email protected].

(City Tech faculty have priority at this event, but other CUNY faculty are welcome to attend if there is space. Email [email protected] to inquire.)

Open Access Week Double Feature @ the Grad Center, 10/26/2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Celebrate Open Access Week with an Open Access Double Feature, Starring Faculty from Across CUNY!

Morning Session (10am-noon) — How to Go Open Access and How CUNY Can Help: Learn about open access scholarly publishing, authors’ rights, and progress toward a CUNY open access repository

Afternoon Session (2pm-4pm) — Open Access Textbooks and Open Educational Materials: Hear from faculty about how they created and used open access educational materials

A light breakfast will be served in the morning session.

Location: Graduate Center, Room 9205
Space is limited — RSVP required
Please RSVP to Jill Cirasella (cirasella [at] or Maura Smale (msmale [at], and please indicate whether you’d like to attend the morning session, afternoon session, or both.

Sponsored by the LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable (, the Open Access Publishing Network @ CUNY (, the UFS Open Access Advisory Group, and the CUNY Graduate Center’s Mina Rees Library.