Open Access Week is Coming Soon!

This year’s Open Access Week — the 6th year for this international event — is scheduled to take place October 21-27. If you’re planning an event at your campus to celebrate, please let us know so we can include it here! Last year there were lots of fantastic events across the university, and there are surely lots of great plans in the works for this year, too.

Email your event info to [email protected] or post it on our Open Access Publishing Network @ CUNY forum and we’ll be sure to add it here.

And if you’re looking for posters, info sheets, logos, or other materials to use for Open Access Week on your campus, definitely check out the OA Week website. There’s even a gorgeous new poster for this year:

OAWeek 2013_plain_poster

Save the Date: Our First Information Interventions @ CUNY Event!

Please save the date for our first event in a new series, Information Interventions @ CUNY:

An Introduction to Open Access
Friday, October 25
At the CUNY Graduate Center

We expect that this event will provide an overview of open access and author’s rights and would be appropriate for anyone who publishes or who is considering publishing their work (including  students). More details to come–watch this space!

Couldn’t Make it to the CUNY IT Conference?

Don’t worry, you can peruse some of the many presentations about open access right here on the blog!

Jill posted her slideshow about the plans for a CUNYwide institutional repository earlier this week.

And here are three of the presentations from the session on open access curricular materials:

Susan Amper, Bronx Community College:
What’s Price Got to Do With It? Open Access Course Materials at CUNY

Johannah Rodgers, City Tech:
When the Virtual Meets the Real: An Assessment of the Benefits and “Costs” of Open Access Texts for First Year Writing Courses at CUNY

Maura Smale, City Tech:
Open Access Course Materials: The Library Perspective