Authors’ Rights Workshop @ Queens College, 10/23

Celebrate Open Access Week 2012 at Queens College by attending this workshop about your rights as an academic author!

Publishers often ask authors to sign away some rights as a condition of publication. When you publish your works, what rights do you retain? Can you repost it on your website? Who owns your copyright? How can you retain the rights you want? Should you consider publishing in open access journals?

Aiming to strengthen your knowledge about intellectual property, we will cover several aspects of academic publishing with a focus on authors’ rights, including:

• Considering the benefits of retaining copyright
• Assessing the types of contracts you may be offered
• Negotiating a better contract
• Accessing alternatives to traditional academic publishing
• Recognizing current problems with the academic publishing environment

The workshop will focus primarily on journal articles rather than other types of publications.

Michael Miller, Associate Librarian for Public Services, Benjamin Rosenthal Library
Nancy Foasberg, Humanities Librarian, Benjamin Rosenthal Library

Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Time: 12:15 – 1:30 pm
Location: Razran 318, Queens College

Please RSVP for the event at, whether you plan to join us in person or virtually.

If you can’t make it in person, click here to join us online: You don’t need a password. Just choose Enter as a Guest, type in your name, and click Enter.

Click here to check your connection before the event:

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching & Learning at Queens College.

Learn more about Open Access Week 2012:

Authors’ Rights Workshop @ John Jay, 10/22 and 10/25

Open Access Week is almost here, and here’s another great CUNY event coming up at John Jay!

You know what you write, but do you know your rights?

Join your colleagues at a FACULTY MEETING to discuss OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING

  • Get your questions answered


  • Find out what CUNY is doing


  • Share your views

Pick your session:
10/22 or 10/25 at 1:45 pm
Room 333-T

RSVP to [email protected]

Download the flyer!

Co-sponsored by the Lloyd Sealy Library and The Center for the Advancement of Teaching

Free Webinar 10/23: How to Make Your Research Open Access (Whether You’re at Harvard or Not)

Can’t get to any Open Access Week events this year? Or can’t get enough of them? You might be interested in attending this webinar or watching the archived version after the fact:

How to Make Your Research Open Access (Whether You’re at Harvard or Not)
Tuesday, October 23, 12:30 pm

This event will be webcast live on this page at 12:30pm ET on 10/23/2012 and archived online shortly thereafter:

Co-hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and the Office for Scholarly Communication at Harvard University