Open Access Week Thought of the Day #2

Today’s open access thought is visual rather than verbal:

What’s that map telling us?  It’s showing us all the countries where open access articles have been downloaded from MIT’s open access repository.  The redder the country, the more articles that have been downloaded.  The reddest countries aren’t surprising: United States, China, India, Germany, and the UK.  But take a look at all of the orange and yellow countries: Australia, Brazil, Poland, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Egypt, etc., etc., etc.

That’s some serious global reach.

Who thinks people from all these countries would have found and read these articles if they hadn’t been open access?

Yeah, me neither.

Want to learn more about how MIT’s repository helps people worldwide?  Read  Worldwide Impact of Open Access to MIT Faculty Research.

The Stars of the Open Access Week Double Feature

We’ve already announced the Open Access Week Double Feature, the October 26 event consisting of a two-hour morning session about authors’ rights and a CUNY institutional repository and a two-hour afternoon session about open access curricular materials.  And now we’re thrilled to announce the day’s presenters:

Morning Session (10am-noon):

10am-11am: Authors’ Rights Workshop
Presenters: Stephen Francoeur (Library, Baruch), Ann Matsuuchi (Library, LaGuardia), and Maura A. Smale (Library, City Tech)

11am-noon: Panel Presentation on Progress Toward a CUNY Institutional Repository
Presenters: Jill Cirasella (Library, Brooklyn), Stephen Klein (Library, Grad Center), and Polly Thistlethwaite (Library, Grad Center)

Afternoon Session (2pm-4pm):

2pm-3pm: Temple University Library’s “Ditch That Textbook” Project: How to Make it Work in Your Classroom
Presenter: Kristina Baumli (English, Temple University)

3pm-4pm: Panel Presentation by CUNY Faculty Who Have Created and/or Used Open Access Textbooks or Other Educational Materials
Presenters: Susan Amper (English, Bronx), James DiGiovanna (Philosophy, John Jay), Philip A. Pecorino (Philosophy, Queensborough and SPS), Michael Waldman (Library, Baruch)

Plus: A light breakfast will be served in the morning session!

Location: Graduate Center, Room 9205
Space is limited — RSVP required
Please RSVP to Jill Cirasella (cirasella [at] or Maura Smale (msmale [at], and please indicate whether you’d like to attend the morning session, afternoon session, or both.

Sponsored by the LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable (, the Open Access Publishing Network @ CUNY (, the UFS Open Access Advisory Group, and the CUNY Graduate Center’s Mina Rees Library.

And Afterward…

We invite you to join us for a post-2012 OA Week mixer. Come if you’d like to meet up with folks who are interested in discussing free culture and new forms of publishing and (scholarly) communication. Join us for OA Week wrap-up drinks, discussions and brainstorming about what’s next.

All are invited, no need to rsvp, and bring a friend!

Friday, October 26
Beginning at 6pm
Rattle N Hum
14 East 33rd Street, Manhattan, NY
(between 5th and Madison)

Open Access Week Double Feature @ the Grad Center, 10/26/2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Celebrate Open Access Week with an Open Access Double Feature, Starring Faculty from Across CUNY!

Morning Session (10am-noon) — How to Go Open Access and How CUNY Can Help: Learn about open access scholarly publishing, authors’ rights, and progress toward a CUNY open access repository

Afternoon Session (2pm-4pm) — Open Access Textbooks and Open Educational Materials: Hear from faculty about how they created and used open access educational materials

A light breakfast will be served in the morning session.

Location: Graduate Center, Room 9205
Space is limited — RSVP required
Please RSVP to Jill Cirasella (cirasella [at] or Maura Smale (msmale [at], and please indicate whether you’d like to attend the morning session, afternoon session, or both.

Sponsored by the LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable (, the Open Access Publishing Network @ CUNY (, the UFS Open Access Advisory Group, and the CUNY Graduate Center’s Mina Rees Library.