OA MONTH – Events at CUNY

Using Open Educational Resources in the classroom: a panel discussion (panel at City Tech)

Open Scholarship Matters! (panel at City Tech)

Internet’s Own Boy (screening at City Tech)

Internet’s Own Boy (screening at City Tech)


CUNY Academic Works Workshop: Increase the Reach of your Research

Workshop Leaders: Prof. Megan Wacha, Scholarly Communications Librarian Office of Library Services  And  Prof. Jill Cirasella, Associate Librarian for Public Services and Scholarly Communication, Graduate Center Library

Location: The Graduate Center.  Room C196.03 (concourse level inside the library);  Time: 2:30-4:00; Please RSVP by October 20th to Alexandra de Luise at alexandra.deLuise@qc .cuny.edu


Who Owns Your Journal Article: You or the Publisher?  (6:30-8:00 pm Graduate Center)

October 28th

Who Owns Your Journal Article: You or the Publisher? ( 1:00 – 2:30 pm Graduate Center)

November 2nd

Leveraging Open Ed Resources in the Classroom and Beyond: an OER Panel Discussion (METRO and ACRL/NY)

Academic Works: Repository for Lehman Scholarship and Creative Work (Information session at Lehman College)

October is Open Access Month

The LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable has organized resources to support events at CUNY Libraries  planned for Open Access Week (October 19 – 25) and throughout the month of October. The Roundtable decided that CUNY Libraries might want to use the whole month of October to raise awareness of Open Access on our campuses. This is a great time to spread the word about CUNY Academic Works (and to educate faculty on Authors’ Rights, Creative Commons, etc.)

A great resource for event-planning and keeping track of what’s happening on CUNY campuses is the OA / OER Toolkit compiled by members of the Roundtable. Check out the Calendar of CUNY Events,  as well as ideas for events and publicity.

We will also post events on this Blog (see next post) if you send the information to us. And you can post your event on the Academic Commons Scholarly Communications Roundtable as well as OAWeek.org and CULIBS.

Keep your eyes on this space and the Academic Commons Scholarly Communications Roundtable for news about  CUNY Academic Works that you can publicize on your campuses.

Let’s hear about your publicity ideas and events!

–Madeline Cohen [[email protected]] and Jean Amaral [ [email protected] ], Co-Chairs, LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtab