If you weren’t able to attend (or chose not to take notes frantically at) the recent panel event “Open Books, Not Open Wallets: How Open Educational Resources Help Students Spend Less and Learn More,” you might be interested in the three panelists’ materials:
- Steven Ovadia’s slides on What is OER (and why does it matter?)
- Thomas Tradler’s slides on City Tech’s open access pre-calculus textbook (the textbook can also be seen here)
- Michelle Millar Fisher’s Art History Teaching Resources, a fantastic OER resource.
If open educational resources is a topic of interest to you (and how could it not be, when our students are paying so dearly for traditional textbooks?!), consider joining the CUNY Open Education Resources group on the Academic Commons or subscribing to the Open Educational Resources @ CUNY blog. (If you subscribe to the group, you’ll get notifications about new blogs posts.)
Also: Have 20 minutes to spare? Learn much more by walking through this short OER about OERs.
More of a visual learner? Take a gander at this alarming chart of the costs of educational materials vs. other items from 1967 to 2012: