The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons for Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship, is pleased to announce a workshop in celebration of Open Access Week!
You Know What You Write, But Do You Know Your Rights?
Understanding and Protecting Your Rights as an Author
When you publish a journal article, you sign a copyright agreement. Do you know what you’re agreeing to when you sign it? How can you find out a journal’s policy? How can you negotiate your contract to make the most of your rights as a scholar, researcher, and author? Come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues at our Open Access Happy Hour and learn how to preserve your rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work you create.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 23, from 5:30-7pm
WHERE: Rm A632, Faculty Lounge, City Tech
Space is limited! RSVP to Maura Smale at [email protected].
(City Tech faculty have priority at this event, but other CUNY faculty are welcome to attend if there is space. Email [email protected] to inquire.)
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